Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Tai had her surgery on August 19th. I was able to hold my tears back until they took her back for surgery, but as soon as she was out of the room, waterworks!!!! Surgery went well, however it took Tai a little longer than average to wake up from anesthesia, then following wake up she needed breathing treatments because of her low oxygen level. When we were finally allowd in the room, Tai was fighting the medication and was thrashing around. I tried to rock her but nothing seemed to help. When Rick took over he fell alseep in his arms! Daddy had the trick! But now she is doing much better, recovery went well, and she is running around and playing like a toddler should. I think my recovery from the stress was tougher than Tai's recovery from the actual surgery! All in all, my baby is doing great, and I am hoping for no more ear infections!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Tai is having a SISTER!!!!!!

Rick and I are SO excited to have two daughters, and especially excited that Tai will know the joy, heartache, and warmth of having a sister!

A name on the table..... Tes

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tubes & Adenoids

We went to see the ENT two days ago and the specialist confirmed that Tai did need tubes but also due to her constant runny nose and getting colds all the time, she also needs her adenoids surgically removed. EEK! She is scheduled for surgery on August 19th, 2010. I am trying hard not to think about my baby going in for surgery but it is very hard. This is going to be a very long 2 weeks. Sigh!